Friday, October 17, 2008

Rashes is back :(

After 2 days of one time re-applying the Palmers, the rashes is coming back. :(
I hope this time it will not get worse. :(

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

BB car seat

Finally sometime spare to complete this blog.

Got a babycar seat from Sogo-MBB card warehouse sales on Oct12.
The brand is from Sweet Cherry.
We were at first unsure and undecided if we should already be getting a BB carseat or just a carrier basket/BB carrier for a start.
Since this carseat design is reclineable to 45degree position and material is not bad too, we finally decide to get it.
Usual price is about RM350 or more. The offer price is RM269. I have MBB card voucher of RM100. So I only pay RM169 for this carseat. Not a bad deal. :)

Since BB would be quite small still for the carseat, we'll need to add in more spongy/pillow to support BB. Plan to get the Head and neck support from Bumblebee.

Monday, October 13, 2008

BB 6th ultrasonic scan - week 24

This week, BB is facing up, lying in the womb. Her face is very near to the upper wall. We can only see her side face. Mr Daddy says he could see being moving her lips (close/open mouth) and her nose too.
This week, BB's weight is approx. 700g.
Lately BB actively kicks and moves inside the womb. :)
This week, Dr confirms the gender again. As he focused at that area, he told us it is one line. :)

My tummy at week 24

Tummy is around 35.5 inch measuring around the belly button. Weight at 56.7kg.


When my fever was almost over, my tummy developed rashes.
The rashes just spread on my tummy, circulating the belly button for size of maybe 5cm from belly button top, to 5cm belly button bottom, and left right of about 8cm.

Company GP prescript me Calamine lotion and pills to eat. The pill is Piriton. I did not take the piriton but just applying the calamine lotion. But it was sooooooooo itchy, i actually need to scratch!!!!
After few days couldn't bear anymore, I went to see another GP, and this GP also prescribed me Piriton, at the same time a cream to apply on the rashes itchy spots. It's called Beprosone.
I'm not sure if Beprosone is really effective but the itchiness is gone after 2-3days and slowly healing now.

I tried applying back the Palmer's lotion. Only applied a small quantity and I felt some itchiness after that. Again I'm not sure if I'm just thinking of it, or if I'm actually sensitive towards Palmers.