Thursday, September 4, 2008


...........Confinement lady vs MIL vs indo Maid vs bbsitter..........

Two cases :

1) during confinement
MIL vs confinement lady
MIL + Maid vs confinement lady

2) later stage
MIL vs bbsitter
MIL + Maid vs bb sitter.

Need to note, MIL is not that strong.

Some thoughts......

1) During confinement.
Maid is surely out of question lah if you expect her to cook for you and jaga your baby.
If your baby is very susah type, you don't want her to strangle it right ?
If your MIL is not the strong type, you also don't want to burden her.
If she falls sick half way, you want all your in-laws to blame you ?

Solution is only confinement lady.

2) Later stage
MIL : how much are you going to pay her per month ? Whatever amount you pay, you think it's enough ?
If she has different way of bring up a kid, are you going to "sound" her and end up having conflict with her ?
Maid : you have heard of all the scary stories. You just have to pray that you get a "good" one. But how much can you trust them ?
If you have one staying in your house, you don't have privacy.
If you want to go out, you either let her stay at home or tag along.
Loose freedom.
If you take a young one, maybe no experience to look after baby.
If you take one with kids, maybe always thinking about her children & home sick.
Only advantage is you get someone to do your housework. Quality wise--still again depends on your luck.
Baby sitter : depends on how well you know her family background & quality of service.
Child care : got any around your place ? Maybe better since later on can learn something at the center. But may have strict pick up time.

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