Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hot Flushes

This morning I got up with my whole body warm.
As usual I point this to Anderson and the same comment comes to me. Sigh...
The comment is "You must be eating a lot of chilly yesterday".
haiiiii......... since when I had chilly yesterday. I eat what he ate..... only the afternoon time i had chicky rice with the chicky rice chilly.....

Anyway, it's normal after reading through some articles... and seems no way of preventing it. :(

Hot Flushes
What is it? In pregnancy, the body's metabolism increases causing extra heat to be produced. This in turn, causes the blood vessels to dilate with extra blood. This condition of feeling hot and flushed is called hot flushes and may be especially strong in summer.
What to do? You cannot stop hot flushes but can definitely make yourself more comfortable by wearing loose, cotton clothing. Also remember to dress in layers so that you can remove layers as you get hot.
Source :

Are hot and cold flushes part of pregnancy?
Yes, it's very common and it's because your body is going through hormonal changes. Hang on! You're just fine as long as you keep your doctor's appointments.
If the hot flashes bother you put the underside of your wrists under cold water and you'll feel much better, or place a cold, damp face cloth on the back of your neck. If you have long hair pull it up in a pony tail and keep it off your neck. Dress in light maternity clothes and layer with other clothing. Put a cardigan over-top and if you get too hot you can always take it off and feel cool again. There are also some good gel lotion products out there that have a cooling effect. You can go to any major drug store and ask the girl at the cosmetic counter. Have cool showers once or twice a day and be sure to use a good moisturizer (especially on your tummy) to help with stretch marks.
Source :

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